Baojingang Waste to Energy Plant


The project is the final Waste to Energy Plant to be built in Shanghai with the vision to be one of the most ambitious WTE projects in the world. At the same time the project faces an extremely demanding schedule and relies on the expertise of local design institutes more familiar with lightweight factory construction.

The site is located within the Bao Steel campus in the Baoshan District of Shanghai and contains a disused blast furnace, ore elevators, and a hopper tower. The total plot area is 35 ha and splits into two phases according to BAM’s masterplan.

The architectural program for the site includes a 3000 ton/day Waste to Energy plant, leachate tanks, and anerobic digestion vats. Additional programs include the office and operations building, education and exhibition, greenhouse and restaurant. Landscape programs feature a 10ha roof park.

The design concept creates the mountain of Baoshan, or ‘treasure mountain’ district which is essentially a flat alluvial plane. The architectural superstructure takes the shape of a mountain, with a spire and chimney structure forming peaks. Aside from borrowing direct visual qualities the landscape concept follows the plants of the Yangtze basin, from the Tangula and Haba mountains and high planes through central China’s Shennongjia and agricultural heartland, and finally to the Chongming Island delta.




该场地位于上海宝山区的宝钢园区内,包含一个废弃的高炉、传送带和一个转运站。总用地面积为 35 公顷,按照 BAM 的总体规划场地被划分为两部分。场地内的建筑部分,包含一个日处理垃3000吨的工厂、渗滤液区和厌氧罐区,另外还包含办公运营大楼、科教展示中心、温室及餐厅。景观部分则是以一个10 公顷的屋顶公园为特色。
